Kundalini Awakening

Who Else Wants To Open Their Chakras And Experience Kundalini Awakening?

Discover the teachings and techniques of a world renowned spiritual guru who has helped hundreds of her students safely awaken their kundalini.

For $1 you get full access for 14 days. If you don’t cancel before the trial ends, the subscription renews at $39/month.

Discover advanced ways to clear blocked chakras and unleash your ultimate potential

Get the complete system for Kundalini Awakening that’s enlightened hundreds of people worldwide.

Discover energy healing strategies that are shown to relieve almost any physical and emotional problem

Get access to meditation techniques for achieving profound states of inner bliss and ecstasy

Plus, so much more.

What Is The Kundalini Awakening Newsletter?

Millions want to awaken their kundalini. But only a kundalini-awakened (fully enlightened) Guru can guide you through this journey safely and successfully. 

The problem is, it’s hard to find such a guru. Only a handful exist in the world right now. Plus, it’s almost impossible to find out who they are and receive guidance from them. 

That’s why we created the Kundalini Awakening newsletter. We want to bring you the teachings of VillyMa — a kundalini enlightened guru from Mumbai, India. 

VillyMa has guided hundreds of people through their journey to kundalini awakening. This weekly newsletter is your opportunity to receive VillyMa’s teachings.

Wondering If Kundalini Awakening Is Right For You?


You can try Kundalini Awakening for $1. And you’ll have 14 days to see if it’s right for you. 


After the 14 days, you can cancel the subscription. 


If you decide to stay, the subscription renews at $39/month billed every 30 days. Cancel anytime.     

Get The Complete System For Enlightenment, Delivered Weekly

Activate Kundalini energy in the body.

Kundalini is located in the sternum bone at the base of the spine. For it to awaken and rise, it must first be activated. 

Open chakras in the spiritual body.

There are 7 primary chakras in the spiritual body. These chakras must be opened for Kundalini to pass through. 

Clear energy channels along the spine.

Kundalini travels through three channels (known as Nadis) along the spine. If these channels are blocked Kundalini cannot rise.  

Raise Kundalini up the spine.

Once the chakras are open and the channels are clear, Kundalini energy must be raised from the Root to the Crown chakra.

Establish a permanent connection.

Once Kundalini reaches the crown chakra, the connection with the Creator is made. This connection must be made permanent for full Awakening to take place.

Each step of this extraordinary journey is now made available for the first time. It’s revealed each week — in remarkable detail — inside the Kundalini Awakening newsletter.  

Meet The Guru Who’s Transforming Lives, One Soul At A Time

VillyMa is a beloved spiritual guru from Mumbai, India. 

She is a kundalini-awakened (self-realized) master. VillyMa is also the present day reincarnation of several profoundly influential Gurus and Prophets throughout the ages. 

Her mission in this lifetime is to sow the seeds of enlightenment. How? By teaching people the path to opening the chakras and experiencing Kundalini Awakening.

So far, VillyMa has helped hundreds of her students experience Kundalini Awakening and enlightenment. 

She is the founder of the Light of Light Trust. Each year, LOLT feeds, clothes and educates hundreds of thousands of under-privileged women and children throughout India. 

VillyMa is also the winner of the highly prestigious Mahatma Ghandi Award for her life-saving (and transformative) work with the Light of Life Trust. 

Get techniques that end emotional suffering and heal past trauma

As we go through life, we collect pain. The usual causes are: Childhood trauma. Emotional and physical abuse. Death and loss of loved ones. Injury and disability. Tragedy. Etc. 

This trauma gets trapped inside us as energy blockages in the seven chakras in our spiritual body. 

If these blockages are not dissolved, they cause our thoughts to turn toxic. They sabotage our mental and physical health. They do, in fact, stop our Kundalini from rising. 

When you join Kundalini Awakening today, you’ll receive instant access to VillyMa’s first technique. When practiced daily, it dissolves blockages in our chakras caused by past trauma. 

This heals us from deep within. It ends our emotional suffering. It does, in fact, set the stage for Kundalini Awakening. 

We donate all profits to charity…

The Light of Light Trust (LOLT) was founded by VillyMa in 2005. LOLT’s mission is to break the cycle of poverty in rural communities throughout India. 

Since then, 93 centers have been established. Over 1,497 villages have been reached. Plus, more than 398,329 lives have been transformed.

LOLT has won global awards for its work including the NGO Leadership & Excellence Award by the World Federation of CSR Professionals.

The Kundalini Awakening newsletter donates all profit to LOLT. This means your subscription today will be used to feed, clothe, and educate women and children in impoverished villages throughout India.


Is Kundalini Awakening safe?

Yes. It’s very safe. You were born with Kundalini inside you. It’s your destiny to awaken it. However, following the advice of people who have not experienced Kundalini Awakening can be dangerous. Only a Kundalini Awakened Guru can guide you through this journey safely and successfully.

How Much Time Must I Commit To Kundalini Awakening?

The newsletter is a 10 to 20 minute read each week. Plus, the techniques VillyMa shares for awakening kundalini take about 15 minutes per day to practice. 

How Is The Newsletter Delivered And How Often?

The newsletter is delivered via email. It’s delivered every Tuesday at 10am eastern standard time. 

Can I Find This Information On My Own?

It’s easy to find information online from people who have not received their awakening. It’s almost impossible, however, to find a proven effective system for enlightenment from a truly enlightened Guru who has helped hundreds of her students awaken their kundalini. So the teachings and techniques shared in the Kundalini Awakening newsletter are 100% unique and unavailable anywhere else in the world. 

Is It A Long-Term Contract? Can I Cancel Anytime?

It’s a monthly membership and you can cancel any time. So it’s not a long term contract.

Is It Easy To Cancel?

Yes. Very easy. Just send us an email. Let us know you want to cancel. And we’ll immediately cancel your subscription. 

I Have More Questions, How Do I Contact You?

Kindly send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll be delighted to answer all your questions. 

It’s time to awaken your true potential. Join Kundalini Awakening now.

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